Money Relationship

“And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”- Matthew‬ ‭19:24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have wandered away from the faith and have impaled themselves with a lot of pain because they made money their goal.”- 1 Timothy‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭CEB‬‬

Is money evil?

Will Christian life be easier without money?

Should a Christian have money?

Money itself is NOT evil. In fact, money is good and according to King Solomon through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, money is a defence (Ecclesiastes 7v12). Money is one of the blessings of GOD to be received with thanksgiving just like marriage and food (1 Timothy 4v3-4). Money, just like every other gifts of GOD only becomes an issue when we put our trust in it – when we begin to exalt the gift more than the Giver (Proverbs 11v28; Mark 10v24; 1 Timothy 6v17; Psalm 48v6-20).

Therefore, first of all, be contented with whatever you have and glorify GOD for and with it. For godliness with contentment is great wealth (1 Timothy 6v6).

Secondly, Jesus is not sad about His followers and joint-heirs having money, property or wealth as people usually misinterpreted from the conversation between Jesus and the rich young ruler (Matthew 19v15-30). He is only sad when our material possessions become our priority (take the place of GOD) in our lives. Have money, as much as possible under GOD, and use it (wealth) as a tool to serve GOD and further the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Be the Joseph of Arimathaea (Mark 15v43-47; Matthew 27v57-61) and the Nicodemus (John 19v38-41) of your family, community and generation. By using your wealth, status and influence to better the lives of people & communities around you.

Grace be multiplied unto you!🙏



They say time is running out

But with you I gain time

Oh how my soul wait to see this day

I will patiently wait to behold

The beauty and splendor of my Queen.

A thousand hours flashes like lightening

As God’s breathe sends down the ice

With sixty-one thousand hours of service

Yet not remembered like a wounded vet

But the joy ahead of me

Energizes me to endure the pains

Of a freezing seat by coffee I never tasted

And though the wait felt like waste

God kept me busy with His Work

I am confident within me that

God has reserved her for me

But I still haven’t figured out

The Reservation Code.


A hundred generations destroyed each year

By a demon we got the chains to imprison

With hunger and instant gratification

We let them loose

After all, we try to protect human rights

Yet we allow it take away human lives

This declaration is so simple

“Don’t drink and drive”

Life’s got many tears to folks, don’t add to it

My boy got accepted into college

Mum is really excited, but he can never be a grad

Because of someone’s youthful exuberant.

Let’s lock up the spirit

Safeguard the consumer with a taxi

Keep the road clean

Preserve the future

You too can #SaveThe100

Don’t drink and drive!

Poets Never Die

Oh how sad it is 

To see you leave

Gone with the wind 

You followed the road 

All runners go

Ashes to ashes

Your body return to dust


It’s only sad to say it’s sad

Yes, they bury your body

And yes, people gather to say

‘May your soul rest in peace’

But they did not bury you

For your soul is in your work

Your work is with and within us

Though death do us part

Your words

And life live forever


Poets never die


Long live the Legend

Long live #ToniMorrison 

Love is an Umbrella

‪Love is an umbrella ‬

‪It covers you‬

‪Both in the rainy days ‬

‪And during sunshine ‬

‪Though umbrella can be red‬

‪Love covering is pure‬

‪And though some umbrellas‬

‪Cannot withstand storms‬

‪Love is inherently storm-resistant‬

‪So when knocked down‬

‪Never destroyed‬

But rather, strengthens the foundation

‪Cause ‘we are built for this!’‬


Ever felt pains before you went to bed 

Thinking it would be gone overnight 

Only to wake with it in the morning?

I’m talking about the pain

That pain reliever can’t relieve 

Neither can pain-killers kill

The kind of pain that kills pain-killer

It’s really painful

And instead of dying it’s growing

Like pregnancy, it grows bigger every passing minutes

Unlike pregnancy it’s bearing no fruit

Like weeds in a precious garden

Turn on your twitter feeds

Everyone is spreading

The wildfire keeps spreading

Even the first responders are retweeting it

It has eaten so deeply into our lives

That it now becomes a part of our lives

WatchOut for Pain 2